Itching Hands and Aching Hearts. in Through the Past Darkly, June 2024

Love the Art, Not the Artist, in Close to the Bone, May 24, 2024

The Convict Code, in Second Star to the Right and other small bites stories, May 15, 2024

A New Line to the Outside, in The Yard Crime Blog, April 22, 2024

King of the Heavens, in Mickey Finn: 21st Century Noir, December, 2023

The Heiress, in The Yard Crime Blog, October 27, 2023

The Narrows, in Lowestoft Chronicle, September 2023

A Longing for Luxury, in Punk Noir, August 19, 2023

TBI, They Call It, in Punk Noir, July 23, 2023

How to Dress for an Insurrection, in Punk Noir, June 20, 2023

Compassionate Release, in Short Story Me June 7 2023

Sheep is Life, in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, May/June 2023

Ban the Box in Yellow Mama, Issue 97, April 2023

P.C.T. Please Call Them in Lowestoft Chronicle, Issue 53, March 2023 

The Politics of Snitching, in Rock and a Hard Place, Volume 9, February 2023

Street Sweeping in the City that Works, in Retreats from Oblivion, February 2023

Many are Called, Few Are Chosen, in Close to the Bone, November 12, 2022

ASL No Crime, in Punk Noir, June 22, 2022

Curb Appeal, in Close to the Bone, March 28, 2022

Charity Begins at Home, in Yellow Mama, April 15, 2021

Getting Violated, in Mickey Finn, 21st Century Noir, December 2020

Jeepers Creepers, in the BOULD Awards, November 2020

First American Explorers to Canyon de Chelly, in Lowestoft Chronicle, September 2020.

An ERA of Inequality, in Low Down Dirty Vote II, an anthology of short political crime fiction, July 4, 2020. 

Deer Jujin the BOULD Awards, November 2019

Drinks at the El Navajo, in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, Sept/Oct 2019

SPEDing Toward Destruction, in Fault Lines, March 2019

Waiting on the Stress Boxes, in Zombie Cat, September 2018

Chicago Style, in Low Down Dirty Vote, July 4, 2018

Fair Trade, in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, Jan/Feb 2018

Historic Raid, in High Desert Journal, Issue 25, October 2017

Waiting on the Stress Boxes, in Front & Centre, Issue 29, November 2014

ForMication, with an M, in M Murder & the Macabre, Issue, 2, November 2014

No More Pigs, in Hobo Pancakes, September 2014

Shutterbugs, in The Lowestoft Chronicle, Issue 19, September 2014

Catching a Case, in Clones, Fairies, & Monsters in the Closet, Spring 2013

The Marmot Trap, in Lowestoft Chronicle, issue 13, March 2013

The Pot Hunters, in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, June 2012

1170 PC, in Long Story Short, May 7, 2012

Natural Defenses, in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, June 2011

Spying on the Dog, in Long Story Short, May 1, 2011

College Chemistry, in Mysterical-e, Summer 2011

A Photo’s Worth, in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, December 2010

A Predilection for the Perverse, in Darkest Before the Dawn, Dec. 1, 2010

Half Way Home, in Powder Burn Flash, Dec. 1, 2010

The Lead Out, in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, Jan/Feb 2010

Make Money and Travel, in Mysterical-e, Winter 2009/10

The Wine Seller, in Mysterical-e, Summer 2009